The company is a de facto political and geopolitical actor and must rethink its model in terms of its usefulness to evolve towards a sustainable model. .

INITIATIK’s approach is that the company has become a de facto political and geopolitical player . Therefore the company as to get organized to respond to numerous, sometimes contradictory, key challenges to maintain its right to operate. This approach on its political and geopolitical role is intended to lead to a broader analysis of its usefulness vis-à-vis all of its stakeholders.

In this context, INITIATIK supports companies in the evolution of their strategies and governance in order to be able to face the geopolitical, economical, social and environmental challenges. Through a specific risk management approach, we help building new strategies of coooperation in order to develop and deploy new sustainable models.

A systemic approach to risk management

It is in light of this observation that the analysis of the risks and opportunities faced by the company, as well as the company’s place and role in society, must be rethought.

The originality of the support provided by INITIATIK lies in a systemic approach to risks and their assessment in terms of opportunities when appropriate. This involves combining risk typologies and avoiding silo strategies (CSR strategy, security strategy, international development strategy, etc.) in order to bring these various issues together in a comprehensive analysis.

The political and geopolitical dimension at the heart of risk & opportunities analysis

The observation is as follows: all the issues that concern, question, or even destabilize the company are political or geopolitical issues.

At the forefront of these issues are:

  • The climate emergency with its multiple dimensions and impacts (environmental and biodiversity damage, scarcity and conflict of use of natural resources, demographic and migratory impacts, etc.)
  • Human rights
  • The fight against inequalities and the sharing of value
  • Societal developments

These issues must be considered in light of the globalization of the economy and the impact that a large number of companies have well beyond their headquarters, whether through their international presence through subsidiaries or through their supply and purchasing chains, which in fact give them a geopolitical dimension.

The concept of usefulness

The concept of usefulness is both a philosophical and economical concept. Adapted to the company, it leads to the integration of needs and expectations of different natures than those traditionally attributed to it to define its sphere of influence, its relationship to society, and ultimately its business model to make it more sustainable.

In this context, INITIATIK proposes to support companies in defining their strategic issues through a process of mapping and managing risks and opportunities linked in particular to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the implementation of impact management and measurement tools.

Cooperating with all stakeholders

Any company wishing to evolve its business model towards a sustainable model, based on its utility within society, must do so in consultation or dialogue with all the actors that make up its ecosystem, both internal (Shareholders) and external (Stakeholders).

Each stakeholder has a specific level of interest, relationship, or interaction with the company, hence the need for a meticulous stakeholder mapping, which aims to integrate the stakeholders “of tomorrow” based on the analysis of risks and opportunities carried out.

Rethinking shareholder capitalism

Beyond this risk mapping, the approach proposed by INITIATIK aims to question very specifically the place and role of shareholders in the company’s ability to take charge of its risks and opportunities and succeed in its transformation towards a sustainable model.

This transformation necessarily involves questioning the traditional company/shareholder relationships, particularly regarding the sharing of value in light of the necessary human and technological investments needed for sustainable development.